Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Terrible Almost-Twos

My daughter will be 21-months old tomorrow and is already exhibiting elements of that "terrible two" phase. She threw a total fit at Panera this afternoon because I wouldn't let her crawl on the floor. So much of the past couple weeks has been filled with her trying to assert her independence. Frankly, it's exhausting. She's been so laid-back that this new phase has been quite a shock to us. It's been especially tough now that my husband and I are back from our belated honeymoon and are having to settle in to our old routine with her.

Despite all the trials though, a week away has made me all the more excited and motivated to be the best stay-at-home mommy I can be. I'm trying to fill up our social calendar with playdates and outings to keep my daughter active and engaged. I'm also trying to maintain my motivation to keep up my job search efforts and find some additional energy to add in regular workouts. With any luck, all of this effort will leave both my daughter and I feeling happier and healthier in the coming months!

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