Friday, February 3, 2012

The Margaret Thatcher Dilemma

***SPOILER ALERT** The following post contains references to the recent film, "The Iron Lady" starring Meryl Streep. If you have not yet seen the movie, please do not read this post until you have done so. If you read on, please do not blame me if I happen to give something away. ***SPOILER ALERT***

I was surprised at how moved I was by "The Iron Lady." I really identified with many aspects of Margaret Thatcher's early life--her political goals and her refusal to be satisfied in the role of a housewife. Then the movie (and presumably also her life) took a turn. As her political star continued to rise, her family life seemed to fall apart. Her kids were barely depicted in the film (her son least of all) and are hardly mentioned in any of the brief biographies I've seen. While her political accomplishments were nothing short of inspirational, I found it devastatingly sad that she did not seem able to balance that success with her family life.

Which of course led me to think about my own situation. I am slowly but surely beginning to realize that if I ever hope to have a career in the legal field, I'm going to have to start somewhere. This means that I will at some point have to sacrifice time with my daughter to spend time doing something that I might not enjoy in the hope that putting in the time now will lead to a better situation in the future. I just don't see any way around it. I can't tell you how truly sad that thought makes me, but at least I know I'll be in good company.

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