Monday, April 30, 2012

First Weeks as a "Working Mom"

First of all, let me just say how much I hate that term--"Working Mom." It implies that moms who don't work outside the home don't work at all. Anyone who's spent more than a few hours caring for a young child knows that that's not true.

My transition to the working world has been challenging for everyone. My daughter has been in daycare for two full days every week. Mondays are the worst. It breaks my heart to wake her up early after a relaxing family weekend so my husband and I can run around like maniacs trying to get her out the door. I can tell it's stressful for her too, but at least she gets to ride with Daddy in the morning, which is more than she usually gets to see of him.

The new work schedule has thrown me a bit off course. It's become more challenging to squeeze in a workout in the morning on work days. Luckily, because my schedule is flexible, I was able to push back my start time in the morning to hopefully accommodate a bit of exercise. I've also been trying to find ways to keep things interesting. I've joined the online community at Tone It Up and have big plans for the last three weeks of my 5k training to increase my speed and really push myself.

Here's hoping things continue to go smoothly as new challenges arise!

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