Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just another guilt trip...

When will we moms ever catch a break?

Apparently there's a new study out by Psychology Today indicating that they 'cry it out' method of infant sleep training can be psychologically harmful over the lifetime of the child. Now, we never had to use this method with our daughter, but I know people who have and for them it was the only thing that worked. With the emergence of this article, such parents will not only have to deal with the stress of training their children to fall asleep on their own, but will also have to face the guilt of the supposed long-term effects of the method they chose to do so.

The supposed long-term effects discussed in the article are said to be caused by 'undernurturing,' which supposedly results from not immediately responding to a child's nighttime cries. I am willing to predict that there will be a similar article out in the coming weeks that will say that children of working moms are also undernurtured and experience similar psychological effects as children who were sleep trained with the cry it out method.

Sounds to me like no matter what we do, we just can't win.

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